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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Begini Tata Cara Tawar-Menawar Menurut Rasulullah, Yuk Terapkan! -

WE Online, Bogor -

Perdagangan dalam islam memiliki aturan guna menjaga ketenangan, kedamaian, ketentraman usaha umat sekaligus tetap mencatatkan keuntungan.

Terkait dengan kode etik jual beli, Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Penjual dan pembeli sama-sama memiliki khiyar (untuk melanjutkan jual beli atau membatalkan) selama mereka belum berpisah, atau sampai mereka berpisah. Jika keduanya bersikap jujur dan terbuka, maka jual beli mereka itu diberkati. Tetapi kalau mereka bersikap tidak jujur dan tertutup, maka akan dihapus keberkatan jual beli mereka." (HR Bukhari).

Paling tidak ada beberapa kode etik yang harus diperhatikan dalam jual beli, seperti dikutip dari buku Berdagang Secara Islami karya Ahmad Zamhari Hasan.

Baca Juga: Corona Bawa Berkah Bagi Petani Kaki Gunung Rinjani, Ekspor Cabai ke Jepang Sampai 8,4 Ton!

Baca Juga: PSBB Kedua DKI Sampai 22 Mei 2020, Anies: Ramadan Tahun Ini seperti Ramadan di Zaman Rasulullah SAW

1. Tidak boleh menjual barang atas penjualan pedagang lainnya.

2. Tawar menawar dilakukan sampai selesai. Bila tidak sepakat, biarkan pembeli pergi tanpa memanggilnya kembali.

3. Pedagang di toko sebelah tempat pembeli menawar tak boleh memanggilnya

Bila seorang pembeli memegang barang seorang pedagang di area toko pedagang tersebut, pedagang di sebelahnya tidak boleh memanggil, sebab dengan memanggil pembeli berarti dia telah merampas hak pedagang pertama tadi, sehingga bisa menimbulkan kesalahpahaman.

4. Tawar-menawar di toko awal mesti selesai sebelum mencari toko lain

Bila seorang pembeli dalam proses tawar menawar dan belum selesai proses tersebut, pedagang yang lain tidak boleh menawarinya barang. Pedagang pertama harus sadar saat pembeli pergi dari areal tokonya, maka pembeli berhak mencari di tempat lain. Dia harus menyelesaikan tawar menawar sebelum pembeli pergi dari area tokonya.

5. Pembeli tak boleh menawar di dua toko yang bersebelahan

Meski dianggap raja, pembeli tidak boleh menawar di dua tempat berbeda yang bersebelahan dengan berusaha mengadu antar pedagang lewat permainan harga atau hal lainnya. Pembeli harus memiliki etika tawar menawar sendiri agar tidak menimbulkan perselisihan antar pedagang. Perjelas dulu terjadi kesepakatan atau tidak. Bila tidak terjadi kesepakatan, baru boleh menawar di pedagang lain di sebelahnya.

Partner Sindikasi Konten: Okezone

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"Begini" - Google Berita
May 01, 2020 at 11:40AM

Begini Tata Cara Tawar-Menawar Menurut Rasulullah, Yuk Terapkan! -
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Pengusaha Jangan Sampai Tertipu, Begini Baca Kode Ban Kendaraan Niaga - - Otomotif

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.comBan pada kendaraan niaga seperti bus dan truk memiliki dua jenis konstruksi, bias dan radial. Masing-masing ban memiliki keunggulan tersendiri.

Selain itu, cara membaca kode ban bus dan truk tidak bisa disamakan dengan kendaraan penumpang, jadi jangan sampai tertipu, terutama para pengusaha.

Melalui kode ban bus dan truk, kita bisa mengetahui lebar, konstruksi, diameter pelek, ply rating, load index, dan speed symbol. Pada ban bias dan radial, terlihat pada simbol yang digunakan dalam kode yang menempel di dinding ban.

Bambang Widjanarko, wakil ketua Asosiasi Pengusaha Truk Indonesia (Aptrindo) Jawa Tengah dan DI Yogyakarta dan Independent Tire Analyst, akan menjelaskan apa arti dari kode yang ada pada ban bus dan truk.

Baca juga: Ini Cara Dapat Izin Mudik untuk Para Pengguna Kendaraan

Tabel load indexbankjim Tabel load index

“Pembeda antara konstruksi bias dan radial pada ban bus tertera pada kode bannya. Jika ban bias, memiliki simbol ‘-‘ sedangkan radial ‘R’. sebagai contoh, ban bias memiliki kode 10.00 – 20 16PR 146/143 J, sedangkan untuk radial tanda ‘-‘ diganti ‘R’,” jelas Bambang pada sesi kuliah di akun grup Telegram Indonesia Truckers Club beberapa waktu lalu.

Selanjutnya, untuk angka yang ada pada dinding ban, 10.00 menjelaskan lebar ban dalam inci. Lalu angka 20 memiliki arti diameter pelek dalam inci. Kemudian untuk 16PR memiliki arti kekuatan lembar kawat baja pada ban setara dengan 16 lapis benang nylon (ply rating).

Kemudian untuk 146/143 merupakan arti dari load index (kemampuan ban menanggung berat). Ada dua load index karena sesuai dengan bagaimana ban dipasang, tunggal untuk bagian depan atau ganda untuk ban belakang.

Baca juga: Wajib Tahu, Ini 5 Warna Pelat Nomor Kendaraan di Indonesia

Menurut tabel load index, kode 146 mampu menanggung berat 3.000 kg, sedangkan 143 mampu 2.725. Jadi kemampuan menanggung berat ban tergantung letak pemasangan, bisa di depan atau belakang.

Terakhir yaitu huruf J yang memiliki arti sebagai simbol kecepatan. Simbol J, memiliki arti kalau ban mampu berjalan sampai dengan kecepatan 100 kpj dengan menanggung berat sesuai load index.

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"Begini" - Google Berita
May 01, 2020 at 12:07PM

Pengusaha Jangan Sampai Tertipu, Begini Baca Kode Ban Kendaraan Niaga - - Otomotif
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Begini bocoran spesifikasi Oppo A92 -

Terdapat bocoran spesifikasi untuk Oppo A92 dengan varian warna Aurora Purple dan baterai berkapasitas 5.000 mAh.

Setelah sebelumnya terdapat bocoran desain dari Oppo A92, kini bocoran rincian spesifikasi untuk smartphone ini pun muncul. Dilansir dari Gizmochina (1/5), bocoran terbaru ini berasal dari Evan Blass yang dibagikan melalui akun Twitter resminya, dengan menampilkan varian warna Aurora Purple untuk Oppo A92. 

Pada layarnya terlihat pula punch hole yang terlihat di sudut kiri atas, dan kamera depannya akan memiliki resolusi 16MP. Oppo A92 juga menampilkan layar 6,5 inci dengan resolusi FHD+. Smartphone ini turut dibekali empat kamera di bagian belakang, dengan konfigurasi persegi panjang. 

Dikabarkan, smartphone ini tidak memiliki pemindai sidik jari di bodi belakangnya begitu juga pada layarnya. Oppo A92 justru menggunakan sensor sidik jari di tepian sisi kanan smartphone. Terdapat pula tombol power dan volume yang terletak di sisi kiri bodi. Oppo A92 juga dilaporkan ditenagai dengan chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 665 yang dikolaborasikan dengan RAM 8 GB dan memori internal 128 GB. 

Selain itu, Oppo A92 turut menjalankan sistem operasi Android 10 dengan interface ColorOS 7.1. Tak ketinggalan, smartphone ini juga akan dibekali baterai berkapasitas 5.000 mAh. Terlepas dari varian warna Aurora Purple, Oppo A92 juga akan tersedia dalam varian warna Shining White dan Twilight Black. Sayangnya belum terdapat bocoran harga untuk smartphone ini. 

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"Begini" - Google Berita
May 01, 2020 at 09:20AM

Begini bocoran spesifikasi Oppo A92 -
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Viral Video Paramedis Ber-APD Datangi Indekos Bandung, Begini Ceritanya - Detiknews

Bandung -

Video sejumlah tenaga medis menggunakan alat pelindung diri (APD) mendatangi sebuah indekos di Bandung viral di media sosial (medsos). Beredar kabar ada penghuni indekos positif COVID-19. Bagaimana ceritanya?

Dalam video yang beredar, tampak tiga orang tenaga medis ber-APD keluar dari ambulans. Petugas medis itu lantas berjalan menyusuri gang sempit dan masuk ke sebuah rumah yang merupakan indekos.

Indekos tersebut diketahui beralamat di Jalan Damar, Kecamatan Sukajadi, Kota Bandung. Indekos itu didatangi petugas medis ber-APD pada Kamis (30/4/2020) kemarin.

Camat Sukajadi TB Agus Mulyadi mengatakan indekos itu didatangi petugas medis lantaran sebelumnya pada saat dilakukan rapid test tingkat kewilayahan ada satu orang penghuni terindikasi positif COVID-19. Setelah melakukan isolasi secara mandiri, petugas lantas melakukan rapid test kedua kemarin terhadap seluruh penghuni termasuk penjaga dengan jumlah total 11 orang.

"Satu orang sudah ikut rapid test hasilnya positif. Kemudian isolasi (mandiri), tapi dia penduduk Jakarta. Profesinya ojek online kos di Jalan Damar. Cuma karena kos-kosan kan, khawatir nular ke yang lain, makanya didata kemarin semua penghuni kosan itu ada 11 orang, termasuk penjaganya dites semua," ucap Agus kepada wartawan, Jumat (1/4/2020).

Berdasarkan rapid test tersebut, kata Agus, mayoritas penghuni negatif COVID-19. Sementara satu orang yang terindikasi positif, masih menunggu hasil swab test.

"Tes keduanya belum ke luar, bisa disebut semuanya negatif. Nanti kalau hasil PCR keluar baru bisa disebut. Itukan bisa 4-5 hari hasilnya," tuturnya.

Guna mengantisipasi penularan, sambung Agus, pria yang berprofesi sebagai ojek online tersebut dipindahkan sementara dari indekos untuk menjalani isolasi. Pihaknya menitipkan pria tersebut di kantor BPSDM Pemprov Jabar.

"Menghindari penularan, dia tidak diisolasi di tempat kos, tapi dititipkan di tempat yang disediakan BPSDM Cimahi. Soalnya rawan, di tempat kosannya. Kamar mandinya nyatu sama yang lain, daripada menular mending diisolasi mandiri saja," ujar Agus.


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"Begini" - Google Berita
May 01, 2020 at 09:27AM

Viral Video Paramedis Ber-APD Datangi Indekos Bandung, Begini Ceritanya - Detiknews
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Trump Threatens to Sue China for Coronavirus Damages Like It’s an Ex-Wife Who Wrote a Tell-All Book About Him - Vanity Fair

One of Donald Trump’s primary gripes with the novel coronavirus is not that the virus has killed more than 60,000 people in the U.S. and more than 230,000 worldwide, but that he feels he hasn‘t been given enough credit for his handling of the crisis. There’s a reason for that, of course, which is that he’s done a historically terrible job, and at this point, we still live in a country where the press is not obliged to write, for example, that his suggestion that chugging bleach might cure COVID-19 was a genius idea. Unfortunately, Trump has no interest in changing the narrative by buckling down and doing the hard work required to spare as many lives as possible, empowering scientists and health officials to do their jobs without fear of reprisal, and telling supporters to cut the shit with their social distancing protests. Instead, he’d rather spout ridiculous lies about how the coronavirus is just going to miraculously be “eradicated” and blame literally anyone but himself for the situation at hand, just like he’s done his entire life. And according to a new report, his latest idea re: deflecting responsibility comes straight from his longtime bag of tricks.

The Washington Post reports that senior administration officials are “beginning to explore proposals for punishing or demanding financial compensation from China” for its handling of the pandemic, after Trump “fumed” to aides that this is all Beijing’s fault and that he should be able to sue the country of 1.4 billion people like it’s a comedian who made fun of him on late-night TV, a beauty queen who sullied the Miss USA Pageant’s good name, or an ex-wife who violated her NDA. Officials across multiple federal agencies are said to have met Thursday to “begin mapping out a strategy” for retaliatory measures, one of which would be to strip China of its “sovereign immunity” with the aim of enabling the U.S. government or civilians to sue the country for damages, which legal experts warn would be nearly impossible and also likely require congressional legislation. During a briefing on Monday, Trump suggested that the government would seek hundreds of billions in damages, in addition to other punitive measures. Some advisers also reportedly discussed the U.S. canceling debt obligations, though the idea was apparently ruled out at some point Thursday, perhaps because it was completely absurd. (As New York noted, the blowback of such a move “would be so enormous—other potential buyers of Treasury bills would be demanding higher interest rates forever—that this would be more like an act of financial self-harm than the collection of reparations.”)

While there is no denying that there should be a conversation about what China knew and when they knew it—it’s largely accepted that the government initially concealed the extent of the outbreak and censored negative stories—like most of Trump’s ideas for retribution, this one would be pointless at best and incredibly damaging to the U.S. at worst:

Critics say the administration’s efforts to punish China amount to little more than political theater that also risks endangering the American economy and American lives, as China is likely to retaliate against measures taken by the United States…. “The chances of getting the Chinese to pay reparations is somewhere between zero and none,” said Scott Kennedy, senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a foreign policy think tank. “If your goal is to actually understand the origins and spread of the coronavirus, end this pandemic, restore economic growth, and prevent future crises, you have to get governments and different stakeholders to work together."

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"like this" - Google News
May 01, 2020 at 06:53AM

Trump Threatens to Sue China for Coronavirus Damages Like It’s an Ex-Wife Who Wrote a Tell-All Book About Him - Vanity Fair
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3 Pekan PSBB Jakarta, Begini DKI Tutup Sementara 126 Perusahaan - Tempo

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta -Dinas Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi dan Energi DKI Jakarta mengumumkan, hingga saat ini atau hari ke-21 pemberlakuan status Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar disingkat PSBB Jakarta sudah ada 126 perusahaan atau tempat kerja di Jakarta kini tutup sementara.

Berdasarkan data Disnakertrans-E DKI Jakarta yang diterima di Jakarta, Kamis, jumlah 126 perusahaan atau tempat kerja tersebut bertambah 10 buah dari sebelumnya sebanyak 116 perusahaan.

Mereka adalah yang termasuk ke dalam kategori perusahaan yang tidak dikecualikan berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur (Pergub) Nomor 33 Tahun 2020 dan tetap melakukan kegiatan usahanya.

Berdasar data tersebut, 126 perusahaan yang ditutup tersebut, menyebar di lima wilayah, yakni 21 perusahaan di Jakarta Pusat, 32 perusahaan di Jakarta Barat, 23 perusahaan di Jakarta Utara, 15 perusahaan di Jakarta Timur dan 35 perusahaan di Jakarta Selatan.

Dari 126 perusahaan tersebut, ada 10.347 pekerja atau buruh yang terdampak (meningkat dari sebelumnya 9.533 pekerja).

Selain perusahaan yang ditutup sementara, ada 153 pelaku usaha (meningkat dari sebelumnya 125 perusahaan) di luar 11 sektor diizinkan, namun memiliki izin dari Kementerian Perindustrian yang diberi peringatan karena belum melaksanakan protokol kesehatan secara menyeluruh dan diberikan pembinaan.

Perusahaan yang diketahui merupakan pemilik Izin Operasional dan Mobilitas Kegiatan Industri (IOMKI) dari Kementerian Perindustrian yang diberi peringatan itu, tersebar di Jakarta Barat (20), Jakarta Utara (67), Jakarta Timur (60) dan Jakarta Selatan (enam perusahaan). Kesemuanya secara total memiliki pekerja sebanyak 27.951 orang.

Sementara itu, ada 497 perusahaan atau tempat kerja (meningkat dari sebelumnya 462 perusahaan) yang termasuk 11 sektor yang dikecualikan, diberi pembinaan dikarenakan belum melaksanakan seluruh protokol kesehatan yang ditentukan.

Perusahaan yang termasuk kategori ini, berada di Jakarta Pusat (138), Jakarta Barat (63), Jakarta Utara (92), Jakarta Timur (87), Jakarta Selatan (113) dan Kepulauan Seribu (empat perusahaan). Secara total semuanya memiliki pekerja sebanyak 58.536 orang.

Sebelumnya, Kepala Dinas Tenaga Kerja, Transmigrasi dan Energi DKI Jakarta, Andri Yansah menyebut penutupan yang dilakukan karena tak dipenuhinya aturan dalam PSBB berdasarkan Peraturan Gubernur (Pergub) Nomor 33 Tahun 2020.

Dengan hal tersebut, penutupan akan berlangsung hingga PSBB Jakarta usai dilaksanakan, yang rencananya selesai 22 Mei 2020.


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"Begini" - Google Berita
May 01, 2020 at 06:30AM

3 Pekan PSBB Jakarta, Begini DKI Tutup Sementara 126 Perusahaan - Tempo
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PT LIB Meminta Masukan Klub, Begini Tanggapan dari PSS Sleman -

Logo PSS Sleman.


Logo PSS Sleman.

BOLASPORT.COM - PSS Sleman menanggapi surat edaran dari PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB) terkait korespondensi dilanjutkan atau tidaknya Liga 1 dan Liga 2 2020.

Lewat Direktur Hempri Suyatna, PSS Sleman mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan melakukan rapat guna memberikan jawaban dari surat edaran PT LIB tersebut.

Hempri juga berpendapat bahwa PSS Sleman sulit menentukan sikap karena tanggal yang sudah ditentukan oleh Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) menetapkan situasi darurat nasional hingga 29 Mei 2020.

Sedangkan dalam suratnya PT LIB sudah meminta pendapat selambat-lambatnya pada 1 Mei 2020.

Baca Juga: Sejarah Hari Ini - Gustavo Lopez Bawa PS Tira Kalahkan Bali United

"Kami dari jajaran direksi menggelar rapat hari ini. Banyak hal yang akan dibahas, termasuk juga mengenai surat dari PT LIB."

"Karena waktunya masih jauh dari tanggal itu, ya kami tidak bisa berandai-andai apakah kompetisi Liga 1 lanjut atau tidak. Tentu semuanya akan mengacu pada status dari BNPB," kata Hempri seperti diansir dari Tribun Jogja, Kamis (30/4/2020).

Hempri juga mengatakan bahwa pihaknya akan mengikuti semua keputusan yang dikeluarkan oleh PSSI.

Baca Juga: Selama Bersama Persib, Ini Momen Terberat yang Dirasakan I Made Wirawan

Termasuk soal pengganti kompetisi jika nantinya Liga 1 dan Liga 2 2020 dihentikan.

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"Begini" - Google Berita
May 01, 2020 at 01:00AM

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Profesor Jepang Klaim Virus Corona Tak Alami karena Buatan China, Begini Faktanya... -

WE Online, Jakarta -

Beredar sebuah klaim dari akun Facebook Karim Zaidan soal virus corona tidak alami. Tapi China telah membuat virus tersebut. Corona juga tak berasal dari kelelawar.

Berikut narasinya:

“Profesor Fisiologi Kedokteran Jepang, Profesor Dr Tasuku Honjo, menciptakan sensasi di depan media hari ini dengan mengatakan bahwa virus corona itu tidak alami. Jika itu alami, itu tidak akan mempengaruhi seluruh dunia seperti ini. Karena, sesuai sifatnya, suhu berbeda di berbagai negara.

Jika itu alami, itu akan berdampak buruk hanya pada negara-negara yang memiliki suhu yang sama dengan China. Sebaliknya, menyebar di negara seperti Swiss, dengan cara yang sama menyebar di daerah gurun. Padahal kalau itu alami, pasti sudah menyebar di tempat dingin, tetapi mati di tempat panas.

Saya telah melakukan 40 tahun penelitian tentang hewan dan virus. Itu tidak alami. Ini dibuat, dan virus ini sepenuhnya buatan. Saya telah bekerja selama 4 tahun di laboratorium Wuhan di China. Saya sepenuhnya kenal dengan semua staf laboratorium itu.

Saya telah menelepon mereka semua, setelah kecelakaan corona. tapi, semua ponsel mereka mati selama 3 bulan terakhir. Sekarang dipahami bahwa semua teknisi laboratorium ini telah meninggal.

Berdasarkan semua pengetahuan dan penelitian saya sampai saat ini, saya dapat mengatakan ini dengan keyakinan 100% bahwa corona tidak alami. Itu belum datang dari kelelawar. China telah membuatnya. jika apa yang saya katakan hari ini terbukti salah sekarang atau bahkan setelah kematian saya, pemerintah dapat menarik Hadiah Nobel saya. Tapi China berbohong dan kebenaran ini suatu hari akan diungkapkan kepada semua orang."

Tautan Wikipedia Dr. Honjo juga disertakan di unggahan tersebut.

Partner Sindikasi Konten: Viva

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"Begini" - Google Berita
May 01, 2020 at 03:14AM

Profesor Jepang Klaim Virus Corona Tak Alami karena Buatan China, Begini Faktanya... -
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Gayus Tambunan Meninggal? Begini Penjelasan Kemenkumham Jabar -

WE Online, Bandung -

Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (Kemenkumham) Jawa Barat membantah informasi atau berita yang menyatakan terpidana kasus mafia pajak Gayus Tambunan meninggal dunia di Jayapura, Papua.

Kabar tersebut ditegaskan berita hoaks sebab Gayus saat ini tengah menjalani masa hukuman di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Gunung Sindur, Bogor.

Informasi tentang meninggalnya mantan pegawai pajak tersebut beredar di kalangan wartawan yang menyatakan Gayus meninggal dunia di daerah Jayapura, Papua.

Kepala Divisi Pemasyarakatan Kanwil Kemenkumham Jabar, Abdul Aris menegaskan jika Gayus saat ini tengah menjalani hukuman di LP Gunung Sindur. Sehingga menurutnya kabar tentang meninggalnya Gayus tersebut tidak dibenarkan.

"Kabar soal itu (Gayus meninggal) tidak benar. Itu hoaks, Gayus masih di Gunung Sindur," kata Aris, baru-baru ini.

Ia menambahkan, saat ini kondisi kesehatan Gayus baik dan sehat. Bahkan, menurutnya Gayus sempat berfoto dengan petugas dan dalam kondisi sehat. "Gayus tidak dalam kondisi sakit, barusan tadi pagi petugas foto," kata dia.

Sebelumnya, Gayus Tambunan total mendapatkan hukuman penjara 29 tahun dengan beberapa kasus yang menjeratnya yaitu kasus mafia pajak, menyuap Direktur II Badan Reserse dan Kriminal Komisaris Polisi Arafat Enanie, kasus pemalsuan paspor dan kasus pencucian uang dan penggelapan uang. Gayus sempat ditahan di Lapas Sukamiskin Bandung akhirnya dipindahkan ke Lapas Gunung Sindur, Bogor.

Partner Sindikasi Konten: Republika

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"Begini" - Google Berita
May 01, 2020 at 03:30AM

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Great Depression recipes are trending, like this peanut butter bread - Duluth News Tribune

I decided to combine those trends after noticing a recipe for peanut butter bread in an Old Recipes forum on Reddit.

“I made Peanut Butter Bread from the 1932 Five Roses Flour cookbook via Glen & Friends,” the post was titled. “It’s delicious and tastes like a peanut butter cookie!”

As a fan of both peanut butter cookies and vintage cookbooks, I followed the link to “Glen & Friends Cooking,” a YouTube channel by a Canadian team promising “easy to follow video instructions about food, cooking, recipes, beer and cocktails.”

The peanut butter bread video began with an explanation of the flour company’s cookbook.

“If you are Canadian,” Glen said, “chances are you have one of these cookbooks in your cupboard. They first printed this in 1913 and it was essentially a community cookbook. They got Canadian housewives to send in their favorite recipes. and Five Roses flour — or the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, which made Five Roses flour — put it together into a cookbook. and it’s been in print form from then until 1967 …

“What I really like about these cookbooks,” he said, “is that they, as you go through the years and you look at the recipes, you see little snapshots about what it was like to be in Canada at that particular time. And so this one, from 1932, shows a lot of recipes from that Depression era that are sort of ‘How to get by’ recipes — but it also shows a lot of recipes that are those celebratory, ‘Let’s get together and economy be damned, let’s have a good time.'”

These days, of course, both Canadians and Americans are finding ways of getting by while not getting together.

Which explains why I’m making peanut butter bread.

The good news is that I could make this quick bread without going to the store for any obscure or expensive ingredients: This bread is made up of staples like peanut butter, salt, baking powder and milk. All I had to do was mix everything together in one bowl and cook the bread for an hour and –voila! — it was ready to accompany my coffee break. The bad news? The loaf of homemade bread didn’t taste very peanut buttery, and it crumbled like our economy when I tried to cut a slice.

But here’s more good news: The 1932 cookbook also offers instructions for a richer, more cake-like version of this bread: Just add two eggs and adjust some of the other ingredients. Here are both versions — but I’d suggest really upping the peanut butter in both.

While I’m not sure I’ll make the peanut butter bread again, I am now in search of other Depression-era recipes. A friend told me about the “Great Depression cake” that is also making a comeback (it was recently featured on NBC’s “Today” show). Meanwhile, I just discovered “Stories and Recipes of the Great Depression of the 1930s,” by Janet Van Amber Paske, home economist, and updated by Rita Van Amber. And a former colleague suggested I read “A Square Meal: A Culinary History of the Great Depression” by Jane Ziegelman and Andrew Coe (Harper, 2017). If you know of some good, frugal recipes, send them my way at

Peanut Butter Bread

Recipe from “A Guide to Good Cooking” compiled by the makers of Five Roses Flour (1932 edition), via Glen & Friends Cooking channel on YouTube.


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1-1/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (or more, to taste)


  • Grease a loaf pan.
  • Preheat oven to 325 or 350 degrees (325 worked for my oven).
  • In a bowl, mix all other ingredients before adding in the peanut butter.
  • Bake for about 1 hour.


For a richer peanut butter bread, with a more cake-like texture, use two eggs. Reduce baking powder to 3 teaspoons and milk to 1 cup. Increase sugar to 1/2 cup. Raisins may be added if desired (or chocolate chips).

For more:

For more ideas, visit the new Reddit forum devoted to Peanut Butter Bread at

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April 30, 2020 at 08:00PM

Great Depression recipes are trending, like this peanut butter bread - Duluth News Tribune
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Our Stories: In times like this... - Morgan County Citizen

By Mona Howard

Is there anyone besides me who is in a funk from being constantly reminded of a personal assigned status, “elderly?”

Who, me?  

Strangely, I have never thought of myself in that light, never worried about it or really cared.  I confess, whenever I happen upon a terrific senior citizen discount I do take advantage, since I technically qualify.  But otherwise, age does not dictate my life.  

Through the years, gallons of hair coloring chemicals, buckets of miracle wrinkle preventative creams and other cosmetics, have been my arsenal.  I honestly thought I had been reasonably effective in waging my war.  Hiding my birth certificate and swearing my twin brother to keep the secret, my age has not been a concern in my mind!  

And then, along came COVID-19.  The virus uncovered my charade while the brigade of broadcast announcers continue to slam network airways with directives!  I cringe, honestly do, as those of us who are “elderly” must hear continually overly-emphasized, extra precautions repeatedly.  

Is there a consensus with the broadcasters that we cannot hear?  Panic and fear escalates, along with aggravation and defiance.

COVID-19 silently slipped into our lives like a thief arriving in the dark of night.  The virus robbed repeatedly without detection.  Time passed, the practice continued and our peace of mind, security, health, economics, daily routines, contentment were all taken. In an attempt to overcome this thief, our leaders have issued necessary directives. 

Instructions such as sheltering-in-place, social distancing, closing of businesses, working from home, and no longer being able to share activities and presence with family and friends are the outcomes.  

I am convinced our adult children have us tagged in their GPS systems and receive automated notifications, if we dare to plan and initiate occasionally necessary sanity escapades.  


Yes, I have to admit I have been caught occasionally but in my defense, the situation has become almost overwhelming.  Almost.  We can carry on as directed and we must. We must team together in the fight and we are indeed a team, struggling together.  But, it is acceptable and understandable not to like it!  Life is chaotic, unsettled and unsure as we deal with this invisible enemy.  But, with determination the situation is to be temporary.

Time has marched forward and impatience has settled into our personalities.  I wear my mask, my gloves, travel alone in my vehicle, and usually do not even exit my car.  The human side of me absolutely has to occasionally escape the solitude of home.  

What am I in need of escaping at home?  Myself. When you talk to yourself is one thing.  When you talk to yourself and then answer, it’s time to make some changes!  Our family room is currently devoid of family and the 16 foot table remains adorned for the Easter meal that this year was just not to be!  Normally, in this season our home would be full of active grandkids with their parents, dropping in and out, swimming, hunting, fishing, or simply gathering and sharing sibling and cousin secrets.  

The sound now is deafening silence.  

Changes had to be made to preserve my sanity. So, my sewing machine is now relocated in the family room and a constant hum replaces the previously unnerving silence.  I unnecessarily finished sewing Easter bonnets for the six month old twins’ first Easter, not really needed since this first holiday was spent worshipping with family, but in their home using social media.  

Easter bonnets they wore though, to keep Grandma happy!  

A higher priority project, face masks, replaced sewing bonnets! Over 160 face masks have been produced in the family room, a room that now resembles a sewing plant!  A mosaic of fabric scraps cover the floor and bits of elastic are coveted as the supply is scarce.  No need yet to sweep the remnants since the demand for masks has not decreased and remains a high priority. 

Efforts to fill the demand continue with a vengeance.  Friends bring their donated fabric to the front door and stand at a distance so that we can cherish a bit of conversation and visual recognition!  Friends have mailed me fabric, others have sent elastic from their inventory.  We are all in this battle together and it’s a good feeling to feel the teamwork.  

The mood is of challenge, service with purpose, a united determination to beat this enemy, the unseen virus.

Baking homemade bread has been another personal effort to combat the isolation that eats from within me.  Not long before COVID-19 made its presence known, a good friend randomly offered  me bread starter dough, random because I had not made homemade bread in years.  I accepted the gift, came home and started bread loaves, and have not stopped yet.  

During the pandemic there have been days when I have made as many as nine loaves and I am asked, “What do you do with all the bread?”  I share it!  After all, Ken and I are limited as to the amount we can eat without needing larger clothes, and shopping is not a good idea!  Seriously, there are others who are also isolated at home and I surprise them with bread loaves, but do observe social distancing!  I promise!  After all, homemade bread baking gives your home a wonderful aroma and is a comfort food for all who consume!  Unfortunately, bread flour joined toilet paper and hand sanitizer to become missing shopper targets on retail shelves.  

No flour, no baking of bread!

Every spring brings the excitement of revitalizing our yard.  

Why should the virus rob us of this joy?  Pulling weeds was not a problem.  However, producing blooms required the presence of plants.  Donning gloves and mask and traveling alone, I sneaked to an outdoor nursery for a brief visit and secured treasured plants, while hoarding moments of freedom from cabin fever! 


My lecture arrived to remind me of sheltering directives and the inquisition of why I needed to beautify the yard since no one could visit?  My answer was, “Selfish motivation.”  Many of us find a closeness to our maker when digging in the soil, listening to His birds chatter, or even watching pesky squirrels and chipmunks steal food from the bird feeders. 

Meditation, self-reflection, and the simple process of remembering what we had and what we cannot afford to take for granted again when this chaos passes all happen in my garden.  Friends will not visit, family will not see, but in my garden I will find peace and hope, knowing times will get better.  I believe we will exit this struggle stronger in our faith, closer as family units, more determined, less selfish, and more respectful of our differences.  

We will genuinely appreciate all that we have previously taken for granted as Americans.  I smile, knowing the day will come again, soon I hope, when I can physically hug my grandchildren, visit with my adult children, and make new memories to cherish with my friends and family.

Mona Howard is a retired Morgan County teacher, lives in Morgan County.  She is an avid grandmother, loves life, family, and outdoor living.

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April 30, 2020 at 11:02PM

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Begini Skema Keringanan Pembayaran Iuran Jamsostek - Okezone

JAKARTA - Pemerintah tengah menyiapkan Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP) untuk pemberian insentif kepada perusahaan yang terdampak virus corona. Adapun insentif yang dimaksudkan adalah keringanan pembayaran iuran Jamsostek.

Menteri Ketenagakerjaan Ida Fauziyah mengatakan, akan ada beberapa hal yang akan diatur dalam peraturan tersebut. Antara lain penyesuaian iuran dilakukan terhadap program JKK, JKm dan Jaminan Pensiun.

"Keringanan iuran untuk program JKK dan JKm, kemudian untuk program jaminan pensiunan berupa penundaan pembayaran. Kemudian program JHT tidak masuk dalam program relaksasi," ujarnya dalam telekonferensi, Kamis (30/4/2020).

Ida pun menjelaskan secara rinci mengenai skema pemberian insentif pada perusahaan tersebut. Untuk iuran JKK bagi peserta penerima upah diberikan relaksasi hanya membayar 10% dari iuran normal.

Sementara untuk iuran peserta bukan penerima upah juga hanya dibayarkan 10% dari nominal tertentu dari penghasilan peserta sebagaimana ini tercantum dalam PP nomor 44 tahun 2015.

"Kemudian bagi pekerja pada perusahaan sektor konstruksi, iuran JKK sebesar 10% dari sisa iuran yang belum dibayarkan," kata Ida

Rupiah Menguat Tipis Pagi Ini ke Rp16.445 per USD


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April 30, 2020 at 07:15PM

Begini Skema Keringanan Pembayaran Iuran Jamsostek - Okezone
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Madura United: Begini Aktivitas Rahmad Darmawan Selama Berpuasa - Tempo

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Pelatih Madura United, Rahmad Darmawan, rutin ngabuburit dengan bersepeda selama sekitar 1,5 jam pada Ramadan 2020 ini.

"Sejak puasa saya bersepeda dari pukul 15.45 sampai 17.15 WIB, biasanya kalau tidak puasa saya bersepeda pagi pukul 08.00-10.00 WIB," ujar Rahmad, Kamis.

Pelatih berusia 53 tahun itu menyebut, selain mengisi waktu, bersepeda menjadi cara untuk menyehatkan tubuh. Karena itulah ia selalu membuat target ketika mengendarai alat transportasi beroda dua itu.

"Saya selalu menargetkan jarak dan waktu. Jadi benar-benar latihan," tutur pelatih yang pernah membawa Persipura dan Sriwijaya juara Liga Indonesia itu.

Sementara ketika berbuka, pria yang biasa disapa RD itu mengaku senang memakan kolak. "Kolak selalu ada setiap buka puasa. Semua jenis kolak suka, entah itu kolak pisang, ubi, kolang kaling, tape atau labu," kata dia.

Setelah buka, Rahmad Darmawan melaksanakan shalat tarawih di rumah bersama keluarganya. Tidak lupa juga dia mengecek latihan individu para pemainnya yang saat ini melakukan kegiatan di rumah.

"Tim masih latihan secara individu. Pemain berkewajiban melaporkan kegiatan latihannya dengan mengirimkan video di grup 'Whatsapp'," ujar Rahmad.

Rahmad Darmawan dan semua yang terlibat di Liga 1 serta 2 Indonesia musim 2020, termasuk pemain, harus menjalani aktivitas dan puasa di tempat tinggal masing-masing karena kompetisi tengah diliburkan sementara akibat pandemi COVID-19.

Belum ada kepastian kapan liga akan kembali bergulir. Namun, jika pemerintah Indonesia memperpanjang masa tanggap darurat virus corona yang saat ini ditetapkan sampai 29 Mei 2020, PSSI memastikan Liga 1 dan 2 musim 2020 akan dihentikan.

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"Begini" - Google Berita
April 30, 2020 at 09:05PM

Madura United: Begini Aktivitas Rahmad Darmawan Selama Berpuasa - Tempo
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Begini Momen Polisi Cek Bus 'Selundupkan' Pemudik Jakarta ke Semarang - detikNews

Jakarta -

Direktorat Lalu Lintas Polda Metro Jaya memberhentikan sebuah Bus Syifa Putra yang 'menyelundupkan' pemudik menuju Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Para penumpang itu ketahuan bersembunyi setelah bus diperiksa oleh polisi.

Bus tersebut diberhentikan di Po Pam Kedung Waringin, Bekasi, pada Rabu (29/4) sekitar pukul 22.00 WIB. Awalnya, sopir bus bernama Parto mengaku tidak membawa penumpang.

Salah satu anggota polisi lalu naik ke atas bus dan mengecek hingga ke dek 2. Di sana didapati enam orang penumpang. Polisi kemudian menginterogasi tujuan para penumpang.

"Mbak tadi dari mana berangkat Mbak? Jakarta ke Semarang?" tanya polisi kepada seorang penumpang perempuan, seperti dilihat detikcom dari video yang dikirim Direktorat Lalu Lintas Polda Metro Jaya, Kamis (30/4/2020).

"Iya Pak," jawab penumpang tersebut membenarkan bahwa tujuannya adalah Semarang.

Tampak para penumpang duduk dengan menjaga jarak. Sementara kaca jendela bus ditutup gorden.

Kelabui Petugas, Pemudik Ini Nekat Sembunyi di Balik Terpal Pikap:

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April 30, 2020 at 03:33PM

Begini Momen Polisi Cek Bus 'Selundupkan' Pemudik Jakarta ke Semarang - detikNews
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Great Depression recipes are trending, like this peanut butter bread - Brainerd Dispatch

I decided to combine those trends after noticing a recipe for peanut butter bread in an Old Recipes forum on Reddit.

“I made Peanut Butter Bread from the 1932 Five Roses Flour cookbook via Glen & Friends,” the post was titled. “It’s delicious and tastes like a peanut butter cookie!”

As a fan of both peanut butter cookies and vintage cookbooks, I followed the link to “Glen & Friends Cooking,” a YouTube channel by a Canadian team promising “easy to follow video instructions about food, cooking, recipes, beer and cocktails.”

The peanut butter bread video began with an explanation of the flour company’s cookbook.

“If you are Canadian,” Glen said, “chances are you have one of these cookbooks in your cupboard. They first printed this in 1913 and it was essentially a community cookbook. They got Canadian housewives to send in their favorite recipes. and Five Roses flour — or the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, which made Five Roses flour — put it together into a cookbook. and it’s been in print form from then until 1967 …

“What I really like about these cookbooks,” he said, “is that they, as you go through the years and you look at the recipes, you see little snapshots about what it was like to be in Canada at that particular time. And so this one, from 1932, shows a lot of recipes from that Depression era that are sort of ‘How to get by’ recipes — but it also shows a lot of recipes that are those celebratory, ‘Let’s get together and economy be damned, let’s have a good time.'”

These days, of course, both Canadians and Americans are finding ways of getting by while not getting together.

Which explains why I’m making peanut butter bread.

The good news is that I could make this quick bread without going to the store for any obscure or expensive ingredients: This bread is made up of staples like peanut butter, salt, baking powder and milk. All I had to do was mix everything together in one bowl and cook the bread for an hour and –voila! — it was ready to accompany my coffee break. The bad news? The loaf of homemade bread didn’t taste very peanut buttery, and it crumbled like our economy when I tried to cut a slice.

But here’s more good news: The 1932 cookbook also offers instructions for a richer, more cake-like version of this bread: Just add two eggs and adjust some of the other ingredients. Here are both versions — but I’d suggest really upping the peanut butter in both.

While I’m not sure I’ll make the peanut butter bread again, I am now in search of other Depression-era recipes. A friend told me about the “Great Depression cake” that is also making a comeback (it was recently featured on NBC’s “Today” show). Meanwhile, I just discovered “Stories and Recipes of the Great Depression of the 1930s,” by Janet Van Amber Paske, home economist, and updated by Rita Van Amber. And a former colleague suggested I read “A Square Meal: A Culinary History of the Great Depression” by Jane Ziegelman and Andrew Coe (Harper, 2017). If you know of some good, frugal recipes, send them my way at

Peanut Butter Bread

Recipe from “A Guide to Good Cooking” compiled by the makers of Five Roses Flour (1932 edition), via Glen & Friends Cooking channel on YouTube.


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1-1/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (or more, to taste)


  • Grease a loaf pan.
  • Preheat oven to 325 or 350 degrees (325 worked for my oven).
  • In a bowl, mix all other ingredients before adding in the peanut butter.
  • Bake for about 1 hour.


For a richer peanut butter bread, with a more cake-like texture, use two eggs. Reduce baking powder to 3 teaspoons and milk to 1 cup. Increase sugar to 1/2 cup. Raisins may be added if desired (or chocolate chips).

For more:

For more ideas, visit the new Reddit forum devoted to Peanut Butter Bread at

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April 30, 2020 at 08:00PM

Great Depression recipes are trending, like this peanut butter bread - Brainerd Dispatch
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Even for critical care nurses, Covid-19 is like nothing they've ever seen - Buffalo News

Mary Jane Poloncarz and Cindy Harris are career nurses, both working at Buffalo General Medical Center and each with critical care experience measured in decades. They can honestly say they thought they had seen everything, witnessing and dealing with pain and trauma on a scale difficult to quantify.

But their lives and their experience have been no match for the enormity of the tragedy they have seen in the past few weeks, as they have come face to face with the victims of Covid-19.

“I’ve seen nothing like it at all,” said Poloncarz.

“We cry a lot in the back room,” Harris said. “Last Monday, I had four deaths. It breaks your heart, because they’re people.”

The health care system has never dealt with a pandemic of the size and scope of Covid-19, and nurses are often the first line of defense. Because Covid-19 – at its worst – can attack the respiratory system frighteningly fast, their shifts can be like this: A person who was previously healthy is brought to a hospital. In one moment, that patient could be talking, describing symptoms, conscious. But soon, that same patient could soon be intubated, fighting for oxygen.

Or like this: A patient in intensive care is on a ventilator for weeks — and because of the infectious nature of Covid-19, no family can visit.

“Can you imagine that?” Poloncarz on a recent afternoon at Buffalo General. “You drop your family member off. You think they’re just going to go get a test and come home, and they are not. And then they may never come home again.”

This isn’t the story of most people who become sick with Covid-19. Most recover fully at home and are never hospitalized.

But critical care nurses and other medical professionals in hospitals don’t deal with the common stories. They work on the toughest cases — and in this pandemic, the difficulty of doing that is unprecedented.

'The sickest of the sick'

Timothy J. Kline walks past an intensive care room at Erie County Medical Center. The lights are bright. The bed is empty. A pair of workers dressed in full protective equipment are scrubbing every surface.

That bed won’t be empty for long. This medical intensive care unit – MICU, in hospital parlance – is treating patients who are in the most harrowing fights. The coronavirus that causes the disease spreads easily and, once inside a person, can move with alarming speed. The disease attacks a person’s respiratory system. When that fails, it can affect the heart and the kidneys.

That speed has medical professionals like Kline on alert, which we saw last week when The News visited the Covid-19 floors at three Buffalo hospitals: ECMC, Buffalo General and Catholic Health System’s Covid-19 Treatment Facility.

Nurses discuss a patient in the emergency department ICU at the Covid-19 Treatment Facility at St. Joseph Campus. (Sharon Cantillon/Buffalo News)

“Patients go from awake to a state where they need to be intubated faster,” said Christie Leas, who, like Kline, is a registered nurse and ECMC critical care unit manager. “It’s lasting longer than anything we’ve seen. Ventilator days are usually less than a week. Now it’s a couple – or a few – weeks on a ventilator.”

As Kline walked us around the ICU, he stopped outside the room of an older man who was fully sedated, with a breathing tube the size of a garden hose near his neck. The top of his hospital gown was rolled down, revealing his bare chest. He was a thick, broad-shouldered man, who looked like he had been strong and sturdy in his life before he was hospitalized. Kline called him "the sickest of the sick.” He pointed to a machine that was oxygenating the man’s blood outside the body.

Few patients who contract Covid-19 reach a condition this critical. Most are like two nurses we met at ECMC who were diagnosed a month ago, early in the pandemic, after treating a patient who had tested positive. They experienced mild symptoms that lasted only a few days.

“I thought it was almost allergies, but then it escalated from there,” said Emily Stelmach, 27.

“You start to feel that lower backache, your head really hurts, you attribute it to being stressed out, you’re busy,” said Jessica Simone, 26. “You’re doing this physical, demanding job. Then all of a sudden you lose your taste and smell and you’re like, ‘This is so weird.’ Then that prompted both of us to call and get tested.”

They were quarantined for two and a half weeks and then cleared and back to work. As we spoke about their experience with Covid-19, the two women were lighthearted – slightly – at moments, which is something several medical professionals pointed out during our visits: You have to find small ways to smile and even laugh during this pandemic. Otherwise, the weight of it can be crushing.

When I asked Simone how she spent her quarantining time, she said, “With some ‘Jersey Shore.’ ”

Stelmach, who is studying for her master’s degree, said, “Schoolwork.”

They laughed — but then turned serious.

Both made clear how fortunate they felt to have had relatively light symptoms, likely because they are healthy and young.

“This is proof,” Simone said, motioning behind herself to the ICU rooms. “If anything, the takeaway would be: Please stay home. Please take it seriously. We don’t have enough nurses for more patients. We just don’t.”

'It's scary. It's unknown.'

A focus on treating patients above all else was apparent at each hospital. It’s a pervasive attitude that superseded whatever fears the medical professionals have about getting sick themselves.

“I feel safer here than I would some other places,” said John LaForge, a nurse manager at Catholic Health’s Covid-19 Treatment Facility.

Rigorous safety procedures have helped them feel at least some comfort that they can focus on the work. But that work is harder than ever.

“It’s scary. It’s unknown,” said Harris. “I’ve never been like this in all my years of coming to the ICU.”

Harris, who is in her 34th year as a nurse, was standing in the critical care unit next to Poloncarz, who has worked in this MICU for 35 years. (She is related, by marriage, to Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz.)

“It is scary,” Poloncarz agreed. “It is something we have never seen before, and I hope we never, ever have to see again.”

One of the things that still shakes them is the idea that the families of their patients cannot come to see them.

“The patients are all by themselves,” Harris said. “It breaks your heart.”

Registered nurse Kim Conley peeks out of her patient's room to tell fellow registered nurse Melissa Kozlowski, who is assisting, to adjust a patient's pain medication at ECMC. (Sharon Cantillon/Buffalo News)

“Can you imagine being a patient and not being able to have anyone visit you, and you’re so sick?” said Poloncarz, who can project her own experience into this. Her daughter, Keri Hendrix, works as registered nurse at Mercy Hospital of Buffalo, where Jim Poloncarz — Mary Jane's husband and Keri's father — is a charge nurse in the emergency department. Keri, who is married with four children, was diagnosed with Covid-19 and spent 15 days isolated at home. She’s now recovered.

“It was the scariest time of my entire life,” Mary Jane Poloncarz said. "It was awful. And Cindy knows, because she saw me crying. A lot.”

Several nurses at Buffalo General have a group chat they used to keep in touch and support each other. “We’re not used to this type of nursing,” Harris said. “You know what I’m saying? This is not regular nursing.”

The intensity of their focus on the job can come at a stressful cost, and when they finally do have downtime on days off, something as simple as a cough or a headache can have them wondering if there’s something more. “We have to take care of ourselves,” Harris said.

And they take care of each other, too, so that they can ultimately take care of their patients.

“You have to be strong,” Poloncarz said, “because they depend on you.”

“It’ll get better,” Harris added. “It will. We’ve been through everything.”

This is true. In critical care, you do see it all – from sorrowful tragedy to seemingly miraculous recovery with medical realities of all sorts.

“But,” Harris added, “never a pandemic.”

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April 30, 2020 at 04:00PM

Even for critical care nurses, Covid-19 is like nothing they've ever seen - Buffalo News
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Great Depression recipes are trending, like this peanut butter bread - Grand Forks Herald

I decided to combine those trends after noticing a recipe for peanut butter bread in an Old Recipes forum on Reddit.

“I made Peanut Butter Bread from the 1932 Five Roses Flour cookbook via Glen & Friends,” the post was titled. “It’s delicious and tastes like a peanut butter cookie!”

As a fan of both peanut butter cookies and vintage cookbooks, I followed the link to “Glen & Friends Cooking,” a YouTube channel by a Canadian team promising “easy to follow video instructions about food, cooking, recipes, beer and cocktails.”

The peanut butter bread video began with an explanation of the flour company’s cookbook.

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“If you are Canadian,” Glen said, “chances are you have one of these cookbooks in your cupboard. They first printed this in 1913 and it was essentially a community cookbook. They got Canadian housewives to send in their favorite recipes. and Five Roses flour — or the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, which made Five Roses flour — put it together into a cookbook. and it’s been in print form from then until 1967 …

“What I really like about these cookbooks,” he said, “is that they, as you go through the years and you look at the recipes, you see little snapshots about what it was like to be in Canada at that particular time. And so this one, from 1932, shows a lot of recipes from that Depression era that are sort of ‘How to get by’ recipes — but it also shows a lot of recipes that are those celebratory, ‘Let’s get together and economy be damned, let’s have a good time.'”

These days, of course, both Canadians and Americans are finding ways of getting by while not getting together.

Which explains why I’m making peanut butter bread.

The good news is that I could make this quick bread without going to the store for any obscure or expensive ingredients: This bread is made up of staples like peanut butter, salt, baking powder and milk. All I had to do was mix everything together in one bowl and cook the bread for an hour and –voila! — it was ready to accompany my coffee break. The bad news? The loaf of homemade bread didn’t taste very peanut buttery, and it crumbled like our economy when I tried to cut a slice.

But here’s more good news: The 1932 cookbook also offers instructions for a richer, more cake-like version of this bread: Just add two eggs and adjust some of the other ingredients. Here are both versions — but I’d suggest really upping the peanut butter in both.

While I’m not sure I’ll make the peanut butter bread again, I am now in search of other Depression-era recipes. A friend told me about the “Great Depression cake” that is also making a comeback (it was recently featured on NBC’s “Today” show). Meanwhile, I just discovered “Stories and Recipes of the Great Depression of the 1930s,” by Janet Van Amber Paske, home economist, and updated by Rita Van Amber. And a former colleague suggested I read “A Square Meal: A Culinary History of the Great Depression” by Jane Ziegelman and Andrew Coe (Harper, 2017). If you know of some good, frugal recipes, send them my way at

Peanut Butter Bread

Recipe from “A Guide to Good Cooking” compiled by the makers of Five Roses Flour (1932 edition), via Glen & Friends Cooking channel on YouTube.


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1-1/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (or more, to taste)


  • Grease a loaf pan.
  • Preheat oven to 325 or 350 degrees (325 worked for my oven).
  • In a bowl, mix all other ingredients before adding in the peanut butter.
  • Bake for about 1 hour.


For a richer peanut butter bread, with a more cake-like texture, use two eggs. Reduce baking powder to 3 teaspoons and milk to 1 cup. Increase sugar to 1/2 cup. Raisins may be added if desired (or chocolate chips).

For more:

For more ideas, visit the new Reddit forum devoted to Peanut Butter Bread at

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Great Depression recipes are trending, like this peanut butter bread - Bemidji Pioneer

I decided to combine those trends after noticing a recipe for peanut butter bread in an Old Recipes forum on Reddit.

“I made Peanut Butter Bread from the 1932 Five Roses Flour cookbook via Glen & Friends,” the post was titled. “It’s delicious and tastes like a peanut butter cookie!”

As a fan of both peanut butter cookies and vintage cookbooks, I followed the link to “Glen & Friends Cooking,” a YouTube channel by a Canadian team promising “easy to follow video instructions about food, cooking, recipes, beer and cocktails.”

The peanut butter bread video began with an explanation of the flour company’s cookbook.

“If you are Canadian,” Glen said, “chances are you have one of these cookbooks in your cupboard. They first printed this in 1913 and it was essentially a community cookbook. They got Canadian housewives to send in their favorite recipes. and Five Roses flour — or the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, which made Five Roses flour — put it together into a cookbook. and it’s been in print form from then until 1967 …

“What I really like about these cookbooks,” he said, “is that they, as you go through the years and you look at the recipes, you see little snapshots about what it was like to be in Canada at that particular time. And so this one, from 1932, shows a lot of recipes from that Depression era that are sort of ‘How to get by’ recipes — but it also shows a lot of recipes that are those celebratory, ‘Let’s get together and economy be damned, let’s have a good time.'”

These days, of course, both Canadians and Americans are finding ways of getting by while not getting together.

Which explains why I’m making peanut butter bread.

The good news is that I could make this quick bread without going to the store for any obscure or expensive ingredients: This bread is made up of staples like peanut butter, salt, baking powder and milk. All I had to do was mix everything together in one bowl and cook the bread for an hour and –voila! — it was ready to accompany my coffee break. The bad news? The loaf of homemade bread didn’t taste very peanut buttery, and it crumbled like our economy when I tried to cut a slice.

But here’s more good news: The 1932 cookbook also offers instructions for a richer, more cake-like version of this bread: Just add two eggs and adjust some of the other ingredients. Here are both versions — but I’d suggest really upping the peanut butter in both.

While I’m not sure I’ll make the peanut butter bread again, I am now in search of other Depression-era recipes. A friend told me about the “Great Depression cake” that is also making a comeback (it was recently featured on NBC’s “Today” show). Meanwhile, I just discovered “Stories and Recipes of the Great Depression of the 1930s,” by Janet Van Amber Paske, home economist, and updated by Rita Van Amber. And a former colleague suggested I read “A Square Meal: A Culinary History of the Great Depression” by Jane Ziegelman and Andrew Coe (Harper, 2017). If you know of some good, frugal recipes, send them my way at

Peanut Butter Bread

Recipe from “A Guide to Good Cooking” compiled by the makers of Five Roses Flour (1932 edition), via Glen & Friends Cooking channel on YouTube.


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 4 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1-1/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter (or more, to taste)


  • Grease a loaf pan.
  • Preheat oven to 325 or 350 degrees (325 worked for my oven).
  • In a bowl, mix all other ingredients before adding in the peanut butter.
  • Bake for about 1 hour.


For a richer peanut butter bread, with a more cake-like texture, use two eggs. Reduce baking powder to 3 teaspoons and milk to 1 cup. Increase sugar to 1/2 cup. Raisins may be added if desired (or chocolate chips).

For more:

For more ideas, visit the new Reddit forum devoted to Peanut Butter Bread at

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