Like the 24 Aussies, we’re
setting our world on fire

Re: “Australia police charge 24 with intentionally starting bushfires” (, Jan. 7):

In reading a recent article about the tragic Australian fires, 24 instances of people intentionally setting fire to the bush were cited.

I am struck by the poetic metaphor. What are we doing to set our world ablaze? In my conversations with people across the political and socioeconomic spectrum I’m continually struck by our consensus in concern over the climate and environmental future. Seemingly no one wants these tragedies. Why then do we continue to burn fossil fuels and deforest our world?

If we can bear to listen, the drumbeat of the climate catastrophe pounds ever stronger in our ears. The fire-starters at major fossil fuel companies and in the Australian bush remind us that we must become the first-responders.

We need national leadership and comprehensive policy to stop the blaze from spreading. And we need it now.

Cecilia Palmtag
San Francisco

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