That so many people back
Trump reveals low values

Donald Trump’s impeachment is like “The Twilight Zone” (bizarre beyond belief), “The Gong Show (amateurish absurdity) and mostly, “1984”: “The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake…not interested in the good of others…interested solely in power – pure power.”

Should Trump be removed from office for “violation of his constitutional oath” and “obstruction of Congress”? Republicans argued no new witnesses were needed, no new evidence should be introduced and say “Quid pro quo (pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden, in exchange for releasing military aid) doesn’t matter.” Wow!

The real question is: Is Trump fit to be president? Is an abusive, reckless, constantly lying, power-hungry crook fit to be?

That so many Americans support him indicates how low our values and critical thinking have sunk: lying is okay, attacking and blaming others is standard, taking from the poor for the filthy rich is fine. Democracy? Slipping into autocratic darkness.

Keith Nakatani

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